Promoting gender equality & strengthening the role of women
The Lebanon National Gender Observatory established in 2018 through a fund by the European Union plays a key role in supporting governmental institutions aiming at promoting gender equality and strengthening the role of women in both long-term development and in urgent responses to crisis It is committed to the creation of a gender-sensitive environment in Lebanon, where gender equality is reflected in policy making and enforced through a legal system compliant with international women’s rights standards. The studies conducted through the Lebanon National Gender Observatory contribute to achieving gender equality in law and practice. Research is thoroughly conducted to improve knowledge and insight on gender inequality. Findings are analyzed in order to identify actions that can bridge existing gender gaps.
The Observatory provides gender-sensitive recommendations that are evidence-based and irrefutable to national policy makers. The Observatory acts as a platform for advocating gender-responsive laws and regulations, in compliance with international women’s rights. It seeks to provide and support collaborative, gender-sensitive research opportunities that are evidence-based and result oriented. The Observatory works on raising awareness and incorporating a gender perspective in all stages of policy-making, from preparation, design, to implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. It also aims at becoming a repository for collecting and sharing gender related data and information.
The Observatory provides gender-sensitive recommendations that are evidence-based and irrefutable to national policy makers.
It aims at providing high quality research and gender analyses to support evidence-based policymaking towards achieving gender equality, voicing the needs, and including the perspectives of most vulnerable women, among whom refugees, migrants, victims of discrimination and violence against women and girls (VAWG).
This stimulates better gender-sensitive crisis response and recovery plans in Lebanon. By communicating the produced knowledge and information to key stakeholders, the Observatory strives to support a better-informed gender sensitive decision making. Finally, the Observatory spread the knowledge to raise public awareness of gender equality and contributes to combatting all forms of gender-based discrimination and VAWG.
The Lebanon National Gender Observatory plays a key role in supporting governmental institutions aiming at promoting gender equality and strengthen the role of women in both long-term development and in urgent responses to crisis, as the current ones, enhancing women active participation in the recovery of the country. It is committed to the creation of a gender-sensitive environment in Lebanon, where gender equality is reflected in policy making and enforced through a legal system compliant with international women’s rights standards.
This process is empowered by much needed, reliable gender research, that capacitate policy makers and legislators when making the desired changes that can improve the lives of girls and women in Lebanon. The Observatory strongly believes that solid, gender-sensitive research is a fundamental tool when evaluating and monitoring the status of girls and women in the country, and for promoting context sensitive and effective action for change, while respecting international norms and standards in regard to gender equality and women´s rights. To this end, the Observatory acts as a permanent body that shares transparently the produced knowledge to help decision makers understand existing cross-sectoral inequalities and discriminatory practices on the national level and recommends relevant policy change.
The Observatory acts as a platform for advocating gender-responsive laws and regulations, in compliance with international women’s rights. It seeks to provide and support collaborative, gender-sensitive research opportunities that are evidence-based and result oriented. The Observatory works on raising awareness and incorporating a gender perspective in all stages of policy-making, from preparation, design, to implementation, monitoring and evaluation
Lebanon National Gender Observatory aspires for a society free from gender discrimination where women and men, girls and boys enjoy equal economic, social, cultural, civil, and political rights.
The Lebanon National Gender Observatory provides knowledge to respond from a gender perspective to decision-makers on policy related issues through a flexible and collaborative approach that is evidence-based and rigorous in nature; works for the elimination of gender discrimination through ensuring the principle of equality and non-discrimination in law and practice.